5:10 PM

A survey on 463 men found out that men can be turned on by your perfume. Alan Hirsch, MD, director of Chicago’s Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation explains that “Pleasant aromas can actually stimulate parts of the brain directly connected to sexual desire”.
Check this out:
84% believe that a girl's perfume has the power to turn them on or off.
36% say scrumptious scents drive them crazy on dates.
81% feel that a woman’s fragrance boost her overall attractiveness.
55% said their girlfriends rarely overdo it when applying perfume.
42% say they have fantasized about a woman’s perfume, even after the date.
What you probably didn't know:
Women are rated higher in intelligence and friendliness when they wore scent in a job interview as compare to when they did not, reports the Journal of Applied Psychology.
Now, make your scent imprinted in his mind.